Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)#

Find answers to commonly asked questions related to data submission:

What do I do with replicates?#

The CCHDO asks for one value to be reported per sample, and for this value to be determined by the data originator following whatever method they would prefer. The CCHDO requests that any mathematical operations on values, such as averaging, be performed by the data originator. Values that result from averaging should be flagged 6 and detailed in the cruise report.

If there is any reason that multiple values for one sample must be reported, please contact before submission.

Should I submit my data to NCEI as well?#

No. The CCHDO archives all core data at NCEI, so please do not submit there. If your data are not in the core dataset (and fall under “ancillary data”), then you can submit these data to NCEI.

Where can I find the GO-SHIP submission schedule requirements?#